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B98 * Archangel Sandalphon

AS E 098 d
SFr. 43.80
inclusive of VAT


Transmutation of negativity on all levels

Dominant Characteristics: The Archangel Sandalphon brings the transmutation of negativity at a conscious level. A new level of co-operation from within the depth of ourselves. A person with joy and insight who is helping others to go though the process of transmutation. Often a catalyst.

Possible Challenge Aspects: A tendency to continue judging others. This limits the ability to grow and change. May be a lack of willingness to face life realistically or to trust in one's ability to discern truth. Not allowing one`s own intuition free will. A suffering because of unrequited love.

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Spiritual Level: The higher will assists this person to communicate with Devas and Angels. Supports the process of change. Transmutation and unconditional love. An important secret is revealed through this bottle.

Mental Level: Transmutation of negative patterns at a conscious level. To enable to digest information in bringing many new levels of assimilation and understanding.

Emotional Level: The deepest levels of joy can come through from within. Unconditional love in the transmutation process is the gift of Sandalphon. Contained in this bottle is the balancing of intense issues to do with unrequited love.

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Where to Apply the Substance: Anywhere required on the body.

Affirmation: I transmute all unrequited love.

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Distinctive Qualities: Part of the Angel Set.
