Vicky Wall created these essences (colorless, alcoholic solution) that can help support the aura of the user. In addition to the color energies, each color essence contains a tree, plant, crystal and a mineral essence. To determine the respective blends, Wicky Vall has applied the science of signature theory. The colors of the essences can be seen, among other things, through Kirlian photography.
These essences help individuals to focus and can bring back harmony and balance. The color essences help to better tune into the individual chakras during meditation. The Colour Essences center and thus facilitate contact with Mother Earth; which in turn helps to ground our bodies and manifest our creative visions. The Aura-Soma Color Essences also support all plants and harmonize landscapes.
You can use the Colour Essences to tune in before meditations, for example, or simply to gain more awareness of everything that surrounds you. These wonderful essences help to make us more environmentally aware and easier to access the kingdom of nature.
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How to use: a few drops of these can be rubbed on the inside of the wrists, the temples, the back of the neck and/or on the throat and/or behind the ears, the belly and/or around the ankles.
The essences are bottled in Miron violet glass (30ml) and are thus protected from unwanted effects of light.