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SFr. 280.00
inclusive of VAT


Based on the method developed by Masaru Emoto, we realize your soul star.

A truly unique service, worldwide!

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All we need to realize your personal water crystal soul star is a photo of you or your signature written with a thick felt-tip pen on a small sheet (approx. 8 x 8 cm) of paper. If you prefer, you can scan your photo and/or signature and send it to us by email.

To avoid any distortion of energy, we only use steam-distilled water. This “water” is not able to create crystalline forms or even hexagonal crystals on frozen drops.

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1) We place a small bottle of steam-distilled water on your signature (or on your photo) for a certain period of time. The water in the small vial is impregnated with your energy structure during the exposure time.

2) After a precisely defined exposure time, we use a pipette to carefully place one drop of this informed water on 22 clean Petri dishes.

3) Then the petri dishes are frozen at -30° Celsius. During the freezing process, the water droplets contract and form a small point, provided that the water is not contaminated. By the way, the special freezer is located in a geomantically undisturbed zone!

4) After a precisely defined exposure time, the petri dishes are taken out of the freezer, checked and photographed with a microscope in a specially cooled room (approx. -4° Celsius). 

5) From the 22 samples, we then meticulously select the most beautiful water crystal (in our opinion). We save the photo, create a PDF photo document with your soul star... and send you the photo as a JPEG file and the copyright certificate by email. This means that you can then use the photo as you wish.

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For your information: minute crystalline structures can form on the small water droplet. These crystalline structures are significantly smaller than the water droplet! For this reason, the water crystals are made visible thanks to a 300x magnification.

Please note: all water crystal images of your personal soul star are black and white. On request (surcharge of SFr. 100), I can color your soul star in a color of your choice.

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I have published further information under this link on my homepage.