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Namasté ... and welcome !

After a special event that took place in January 1974, I became interested in metaphysics, magic and quantum physics and in “things” that cannot be defined with normal words. However, the quiet feeling that there are “things” that I have not been told about and that are “invisible” to most people around me crept up on me much earlier.

Of course, I am very pleased that I have been able to officially deal with things that fascinate me for some time now and that have accompanied me throughout my metamorphosis. Along the way, I have been able to get to know many interesting products and techniques that help me to be who I am.

In my little shop in the old town of Vevey, located on the idyllic lakeside promenade of Lake Geneva, you will find an interesting selection of high-quality products. I offer branded products for your personal well-being in a sunny, bright atmosphere: Aura-Soma, Tachyons, Bach Flowers, BioGeneses, products for water revitalization and protection against electrosmog, Feng Shui gadgets, etc. etc.

Opening hours:

tuesday to friday :             13:30 - 18:00h
saturday :                         10:00 - 12:00h / 13:30 - 17:00h

Consultations in English, German, French and Italian.

Enjoy browsing my WEB-Shop ;-)

Le Papillon Bleu
Boutique Feng Shui et Bien-être
rue du Lac 51 - Quai Perdonnet
1800  Vevey

tel +41 (0)78 908 88 88



It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.”