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B87 * The Wisdom of Love

AS E 087 d
SFr. 43.80
inclusive of VAT


Main Theme: Love wisdom - at all levels. Unrequited love

Dominant Characteristics: A person who can impart deep insights to others and who is useful as a vehicle for love and wisdom. Always lends an ear to others. Is very efficient and often works in a position with a lot of responsibility. Knows how to beautify his/her surroundings. Enjoys aesthetics. Generally feels great joy. Loves nature. Understands new technology. Has talents for coordination and for counseling.

Potential Challenge Aspects: Repeatedly falls in love with people who do not return love as they receive it (because they are already in a relationship, or some similar situation). If a relationship would be possible, then the love stays unrequited. Promises made to this person are constantly broken (also by parents, friends, etc.). Possibly this person was abused. He/she doesn’t trust because there have been many unpleasant experiences to deal with.

Spiritual Level: Brings the Christ energy in its new grounded way into the user’s life. Helps to gain spiritual insights and to connect with deep inner joy.

Mental Level: Increases efficiency. Enables the person to see clearly what needs to be done first.

Emotional Level: Eases the feeling that "nobody loves me". Brings self-love into life and opens to love coming in from outside. Assists in overcoming disappointments, as well as the fear of not being good enough. Helps ease shocks, especially if they are related to relationships.

Where to Apply the Substance: Around the entire lower abdomen, as well as along the right side of the body, from the right earlobe down to the right ankle.

Affirmation: I say goodbye to the past and hello to love.

Distinctive Qualities: Part of the New Aeon Chakra Set. Beneficial in cases of abuse (see the "Distinctive Qualities" of Bottle #5). Also helpful in past life therapy when dealing with the subjects of shock, abuse, and unrequited love in past incarnations. Can establish a connection with past lives spent with the North American Indians.

Often people feel drawn to this bottle at first sight. In this case, it is recommended that they use this bottle first and then take a break for a few days in order to wait for its effects, and following that, to choose the favorite bottle(s) anew. This choice is likely to turn out in a completely different way because work has been done on the problem of "unrequited love", which overshadowed everything else.