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15 * Xyluriz * crystal

X KR d
SFr. 58.00
inclusive of VAT


he Xyluriz consists of two circles; symbolizing unity, infinity, recurring cycles and progress as well. Therefore, each Xyluriz represents a three-dimensional symbol for infinity: be it in macrocosms and microcosm. Its shape, resembling to a wheel, induces that this pendant might help to straighten out things and getting things going: be it to advance a little bit faster, be it to bring on stream unsolved topics: >release and let loose.

Placed on to the body, the subtle energy of a Xyluriz can help to release even ancient energetic blockages. Figuratively speaking, you can imagine that the Xyluriz "disappears" into the body; it "dives" into the problem, "pulls" it out and allows you to understand the cause of the problem.

Another interesting feature that distinguishes the Xyluriz: Even though it is a relatively small pendant, it has the potential to protect the wearer against unwanted external influences; a feeling of safety and security is perceived by many people in a short time.

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Apart from the basic properties, the crystal clear Xyluriz can be supportive in the following situations:


  • for the release of grief and pain
  • to clean the aura and promote healing
  • to find the way from darkness into light
  • when I do not know what I want to do
  • when I feel mentally and physically dirty

We have published detailed information about the potential of this color frequency under this link.

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Material: pure crystalline silicon, size: Ø 25mm x 6mm, available in 15 different colors.

Each Xyluriz is individually handmade by employees of a small renowned glassworks in Bavaria.

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Matching the Xyluriz we offer an eyelet made of pure 925 sterling silver. It is galvanically coated with rhodium (platinum metal), which makes this eyelet extremely abrasion and corrosion resistant. You can order it via this link.