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ANIGMA Cylinders

In the summer of 2019, following an inspiration, I ordered two pairs of ANIGMA wands from a glass artist friend of mine, which are similar in shape and size to the ATLAS wands. The idea that we could use opal glass to make the ANIGMA rods was based, in turn, on information regarding a new pendant that is still in the development stage and that should enable us to restore our divine free will.

Why opal glass? Tachyonized, opal-colored silicon can serve to manifest concrete ideas or, to put it another way, to convey “help from above”. From an energetic point of view, this color frequency can, among other things, support the following situations:

> • promotes clairvoyant potential
> • interesting for manifestation rituals

I assume that you know that there are seven main chakras in our body and that they are associated with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue and violet. I associate the color opal with the first chakra, which is located above our head (i.e. outside the body). Practically all other colors are reflected in this color.

You will experience this personally when you hold the ANIGMA cylinder or the ANIGMA disc in the sun.

Assuming that opal manifests itself outside of our body and yet contains all the information that is hidden within us, it may be possible to consciously apply the ANIGMA rods to merge the dimensions between consciousness and superconsciousness.

Sincerely, Marco-Raffaello

SFr. 38.00
SFr. 144.00