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14 * Djwal Khul Spray

AS Q S 14 d
SFr. 38.30
inclusive of VAT



The seeking of Truth for the sake of itself.


Called the Seeker’s Master, this Quintessence helps to search for objective truth beyond the subjectivity of the seeker. Helps to balance inner and outer space and to stimulate the colour ray of green within the major chakras, providing a cloak of protection and space for the heart so that truth and purpose may be revealed. May help to bring an understanding of rhythms, laws and patterns of nature, as well as the celestial and earth sciences of astrology and geomancy. May also help to discern and balance an intuitive sense of space beyond Earth.


Essential Oils: Citronella, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Dalmation Sage, Lavender

Colour: Emerald Green

Equilibrium Association: B63 and the colour Emerald Green

Crystal Energies: Emerald, Chrysoprase