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Archangels room sprays

Purification and clearing with the energies of the Archangels

The room sprays allow to create a "refreshment" of the room, where your own well-being can be increased. The effect of the spray can be felt immediately after application.

The room sprays are used in living rooms, seminar rooms, treatment rooms and in companies where people work in an office for a longer period of time.

The room sprays are made exclusively with natural substances; therefore, you breathe in only natural substances. Unlike other sprays, there are no harmful synthetic ingredients in the Aura-Soma room sprays. The sprays are so-called "pump sprays", which are packaged without aerosol.

Throughout history, humans have used fragrances and sprays to purify the atmosphere around them. For example, to this day, incense is used in churches and temples for purification.