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Reducing toxic car fumes

People who have already had their first experiences with Tachyon BIOTAC Line© products know that this form of energy has enormous potential and is able to compensate for incompatible radiation. We are proud to present MOTAC TRAFFIC, a revolutionary system that is a sensation in this form.

After more than 11 years of research and development, we have succeeded in presenting a system that is extremely economical and capable of significantly reducing toxic exhaust. MOTAC TRAFFIC could be an answer to the much-discussed problem of climate change.

The set consists of three tachyonized crystalline silicon rounds that are bonded to the fuel tank, to the air filter and also to the battery.

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Mounting note: The three silicon rounds come with a double adhesive on the back. Please note that the respective areas must be cleaned very carefully (acetone) before gluing the silicon rounds. Since newer vehicles often have a plastic fuel tank, the area should also be roughened with sandpaper after cleaning when gluing to the fuel tank.

After gluing the tachyonized silicon rounds (Ø 30mm) to the fuel tank, air filter and battery, the fuel, air intake for the combustion chamber and the whole internal fuel circuit are powered by the vibrations of the tachyon energy.

As a result, combustion is optimized and aggressive exhaust behavior changes for the better.

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Link to scientific analysis carried out with MOTAC TRAFFIC.