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08 * Yellow Pomander Spray

AS PS 08-4636
SFr. 38.30
inclusive of VAT



Fun, laughter and self-knowledge.


This pomander carries the joyful, sparkling energy of sunlight and revitalisation and may help to access the inner light of intuition and self-knowledge. Useful in all situations where there is a lack of sunlight to brighten the atmosphere around us. May also help to assimilate the life-force energies of Prana through the solar plexus and bring the joy back into life. As an air conditioner has been known to help to revitalise and uplift group energies and dynamics



How to use: 2-3 sprays per room is sufficient to change and invoke the new energies.  It is not a matter of saturating the room with the smell however tempting but rather to feel and recognise the subtle every shifts.  Very difficult energies may need repeat spraying over several hours to assist in a complete energy shift.  Repeat every 2-3 hours as required or desired.



Fragrance: Fruity, Lemony, Forest

Essential Oils: Lemongrass, Citronella, Melisssa, Verbena

Crystal Energies: Topaz

Chakra: 3rd/Solar Plexus