The Pomander Spray Original White is the Pomander Spray No. 1 when it comes to purifying rooms!
Brings in the light of clear perception and the energy of renewal.
The original Pomander formula with all 49 (7x7) herbs in equal balance, relating to the 7 sub-levels of each of the 7 chakras. Can help to cleanse, protect and realign the whole chakra system which includes the aura and electromagnetic field; relates to the entire colour spectrum and brings in light and renewal. A good everyday Pomander for overall personal protection and freshening, as well as for practitioners and clients. Can also be used to clear and clean crystals. As an air conditioner it may help to clear, protect and enhance personal and group environments with positive energies.
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This spray is often unconsciously chosen by people who are in contact with many people during the day (both professionally and privately) and sometimes unknowingly "charge" themselves with energies that tend to be burdensome.
The Pomander Original White may be called THE universal cleaner; cleaning and purification at all levels.
This essence contains all the diversity of the other Pomanders. This essence dissolves negative energies, disinfects, clears spaces, frees from all kinds of pollution and promotes healing of physical and spiritual wounds. It prevents bad energies from entering our aura.
Extremely interesting for purifying rooms in nursing and retirement homes, hospitals, social welfare offices and, of course, for all rooms where people work who are dedicated to the welfare of others.
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How to use: 2-3 sprays per room is sufficient to change and invoke the new energies. It is not a matter of saturating the room with the smell however tempting but rather to feel and recognise the subtle every shifts. Very difficult energies may need repeat spraying over several hours to assist in a complete energy shift. Repeat every 2-3 hours as required or desired.
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I have described detailed information regarding the energetic potential of this Pomander at the following link: Original White