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13 * royal blue * Air Conditioner

AS PS 13 d
SFr. 38.30
inclusive of VAT



Infinite possibilities and inner seeing.


May help to foster the development of inner seeing and protection for higher mind functions and communications such as inspirational receiving, clairvoyance and telepathy. May amplify perceptions of all the senses and stimulate imagination and intuition. May also enhance sensitivity and appreciation of music and sound, including chanting, toning and mantras. (Note: contains strong peppermint content so care should be taken not to neutralise homeopathic treatments if used in combination).



How to use: 2-3 sprays per room is sufficient to change and invoke the new energies.  It is not a matter of saturating the room with the smell however tempting but rather to feel and recognise the subtle every shifts. Very difficult energies may need repeat spraying over several hours to assist in a complete energy shift.  Repeat every 2-3 hours as required or desired.



Fragrance: Sweet, Woodsy-Fresh

Essential Oils: Myrrh, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Jasmine, Rose

Crystal Energies: Sapphire, Fire Opal

Chakra: 6th/Brow & Third Eye