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B31 * The Fountain

AS E 031 d
SFr. 43.80
inclusive of VAT


Main Theme: Overcoming deep fear

Dominant Characteristics: Is diplomatic, maintains relationships of the heart with other people and establishes good team spirit. Accepts responsibilities and does not look at responsibilities as a burden, but rather as a joy. Possesses teaching abilities, also loves the arts and sciences. Builds a bridge between the two. Knows how to create space within and without. Has overcome many fears. Possesses deep faith in the Divine and in him/herself. Loves nature very much and is connected with devas and earth spirits.

Potential Challenge Aspects: Knows no trust and no happiness. Feels cut off from the world. Wants to be rewarded for everything. Driven by hidden fears and emotions. Is rarely on time and delivers things late.

Spiritual Level: Helps to connect with the "sunshine of the heart" - that is, finding inner happiness. Opens the door to the inner prison (of conditioning, of self-inflicted limitations, etc.). Aids the individual in becoming more observant and also to connect with devas and earth spirits.

Mental Level: Brings back mental stability after a trauma. Resolves confusion. Gives hope. Connects the user with his/her inner truth.

Emotional Level: Useful when it comes to decisions of the heart. Injects happiness into a joyless life. Supports the letting go of fears and traumatic experiences, including the general fear of speaking.

Where to Apply the Substance: Between the heart and the area just below the navel.

Affirmation: I let go of my fear and find sunshine in my heart.

Distinctive Qualities: Can help the user find a personal power spot, a place in nature, where he/she feels content and especially "connected". Is supportive and calming in examination situations.